Innerdance Activation of vital energy

Innerdance Activation of vital energy

Innerdance Activation vital energy generally refers to that dimension of energy which has yet to realize its potential.

There’s a huge amount of energy in you that hasn’t yet found its potential. It’s simply there, waiting, because what you call a human being is still in the making.


The Innerdance experience: activates your vital energy, promoting an expansion of consciousness for physical, emotional and spiritual transformation. It’s a process of letting go where you lie on a mat on the floor in a safe environment. A specially designed playlist of specific frequencies accompanies your inner journey, regulating your brainwaves. The music imitates the rhythm of sleep to plunge you into a waking dream state. It is complemented by various elements designed to induce a conscious trance, such as intuitive touch, particular sounds or instruments, the language of light, and other elements depending on what the facilitator brings. During the session, you’re always aware of what’s happening, but your mind rests to allow the body to realign itself. Everything that happens and everything you feel emanates from your own awakening energy. You receive nothing from the outside, guaranteeing that you experience only what you need at that precise moment, no more and no less.

The facilitator is there to hold the space and accompany the process, intensifying your inner journey. It’s thanks to all the conditions brought together in this environment that your sympathetic and parasympathetic systems co-activate. Your body’s self-healing faculties are awakened through energetic resonance, enabling your autonomic nervous system to reprogram and regenerate itself. Your body can then transmute and release certain blockages or crystallized traumas. Through this process, your vital energy flows more fluidly, constituting a kind of energetic detox that triggers profound transformations to reharmonize your life.
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